Privacy Policy
Consent to the collection and use of personal information (including unique identification information)
1. Purpose of collection and use of personal information: Utilization for identification and use of the product inquiry service provided by the Company, and improvement of the service (Analysis and service provision according to demographic characteristics, identification of access frequency and statistical processing of service use)
2. Items of personal information to be collected:
The following information is collected for marketing and sales activities on the SK Signet website.
- Identifiers such as name, phone number, email address, geographic area, name of company, and purchase type. This information is collected when you make a product inquiry to SK Signet.
※ Data collected automatically: Cookies, website access logs, service usage data, complaint history, CI, DI
3. Period of retention and use of collected personal information:
- 1 year (except when there are relevant laws and regulations)
- Records of product inquiries: 3 years (Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.)
- Service usage records and access logs under the Communications Secrets Protection Act: 3 months
※ Please note that SK Signet stores and manages the personal information of members who have not used its service for at least one year in accordance with the Personal Information Validity Period Plan.
4. Management of Personal Information following Entrustment of Affairs
The Company entrusts management of the personal information collected from customers as follows for better processing of the information
- Truster: SK Signet Co., Ltd.
- Accountable Personnel of the Trustee: Soo-wan Park, Director, Design Pop Co., Ltd.
※ In accordance with Article 26 of the Personal Information Protection Act, when concluding a consignment agreement, the Company specifies in the agreement or other written documents the responsibilities such as prohibition of personal information processing other than for the purpose of performing entrusted tasks, technical and administrative protection measures, restrictions on re-entrustment, management and supervision of the trustee, and compensation for damages, etc. and supervises whether the trustee handles personal information safely.
5. Use of Personal Information for marketing and sales activities
The Company will contact the subject of information based on the personal information collected at the point of a product inquiry and/or product inquiries.
6. The Right to refuse consent and disadvantages in case of refusal
Users have the right to reject the consent to the collection and use of personal information. However, users would be limited in using the product inquiry service in case they refuse to give consent.
7. Designation of Personal Information Protection Managers
The Company has designated personal information manager/managers to take overall responsibility for the management of personal information, such as handling complaints concerning the management of personal information and remedying damage therefrom.
- Personal Information Protection Manager: Myeong-Hoon Cho, Director (Corporate Culture office)
- Personal Information Protection Officer: Kwon Soo-kyung, Manager (HR Team) Contact: sk.kwon2@sk.com
8. Reporting on infringement of personal information
The subject of information has the right to report an infringement of personal information to the below institutions, for compensation and to receive general consultation.
- Personal Information Infringement Report Center (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
- Responsibilities: Reception of reports on personal information infringement, consultation upon application
- Webpage: privacy.kisa.or.kr
- Phone number: 118 (without area code)
- Address: 58324 Personal Information Infringement Report Center, 3rd floor, Jinhung-gil 9(Bitgaram-dong 301-2), Naju-si, Jeollanam-do
Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee
- Responsibilities: Reception of applications on personal information dispute mediation, collective dispute mediation (civil settlement)
- Webpage: www.kopico.go.kr
- Phone number: 1833-6972
- Address: 03171 4th floor, Seoul Government Complex, 209 Sejong-daero, Jongno-gu, Seoul
Cyber Crime Investigation Unit, Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 02-3480-3573 / www.spo.go.kr
- Cyber Bureau of Investigation, National Police Agency: 182 (without area code) / http://cyberbureau.police.go.kr